The “Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Industrie Technologique Innovante et Performante” (CMQ ITIP) aims at bringing the world of education and research closer to the professional world for the benefit of young people and society through the evolution of teaching practices, corporate world transformation and social progress. The first concern of the CMQ ITIP is the industrial sector to modernize it and make it progress regarding environmental urgency. It develops it actions in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (BFC) region and it involves numerous partners.

The CMQ ITIP was created in 2018 and has been built with the support of the Bourgogne Franche Comté region. It federates many partners from education (bac-5 to bac+5) and economy. It is fundamentally connected to the labour market and the vocational training system with their respective problematics (professions in tension, skills development, new professions, the anticipation of new professions, personalized curricula, …).

CMQITIthe industrial sector to modernize it and make it progress regarding environmental urgency. It develops it actions in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (BFC) region and it involves numerous partners.

The CMQ develops:

  • The paradigm « we are all learners; we are all resources » allowing efficient collaboration between people of all ages;
  • Involvement of young people (bac-5/bac+5) in business and social projects and problems;
  • Collaborations between partners through challenges and projects;
  • The vocational and personalized curriculum from bac to bac+3 (vocational bachelor) with the Institute of Technology (IUT) of Le Creusot;
  • A first training centre based exclusively on the development of projects in collaboration with numerous and various partners;
  • A natural way to induce a lifelong learning continuous approach for up-skilling and re-skilling;
  • New methods of collaboration with companies through study of company problem issues, study and co-construction of student-company project, project confrontation;
  • Educational program construction: thanks to the project-based approach, the students develop their new profession based on the progressive construction of their personalized education program;
  • Collaborations between partners through challenges and projects. 

To develop its outreach and interaction missions, the CMQ has created, in collaboration with the University of Burgundy, a specific training. In this training, students are project leaders, ambassadors and collaborators with partners.

The results obtained by the CMQ ITIP itself have been valued through several awards and grants: Higher Education Minister’s national award (international jury) in innovative pedagogy (PEPS 2018), regional grant for a new educational program (vocational bachelor), a national label of « excellence » (2020 and 2022), national grant (private and public 2M€) for an innovative project in pedagogy and strong interactions (2020). Along with five other CMQs, the CMQ ITIP has been selected in 2021 as an inspiring campus to produce a set of data and guides for the other numerous CQMS.